Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New salon website!

I am really excited! I have put together a new website for my salon. On this site you will now find all my hair tips. Every day was a bit much so i will do a new one every week. You can also find hair photo shot pictures, Before & after shots, face shapes & more. I hope you will stop by for all the tips etc. I will post the link to the side of my blog as well, but you can visit my new site here
Want to see something on there? Let me know through my email link on the site.


simply kris said...

Just checked it out. I mean I checked every page. It is SUPER! I am including it on my blog as a favorite, must-visit site. I have to come down for a visit!

Jessica said...

Way cool! WOw I'm impressed how techno-savvy you are! :) Looks awesome. Have I ever told you that I love your blog?

april hickman said...

Danielle, How do you do it? I can barely keep up with one blog! This is such a great idea, maybe someday i'll be as ambitious as you.

Lynell said...

I love your website. Great job! How nice to have a job you love and be able to stay at home to do it. I sure wish I lived closer. Ü

I thought this looked fun and was curious to see who would acually do it. So, even if I do not know you, sign the guestbook